Pendora's Box

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Throwback Thursday: First Impressions of Noodlers Neponset + J. Herbin Stormy Grey

As I'm writing this post I see in my Twitter feed the news of the most recent J. Herbin 1670 ink Caroube de Chypre which looks very intriguing. The timing is purely coincidental as I had planned for this Throwback Thursday for some time now.

Now, as for this Throwback was literally a very brief first impressions post. Sorry for the exuberance.

Handwritten Review

Pen: Noodlers Neponset Music

Ink: J. Herbin Stormy Grey

Paper: Rhodia No. 16 Grid

This is like winning the lottery. I get to try the most sought after ink in the hottest recent released pen. It's really the BOMB! REALLY.

J. Herbin Stormy Grey is a well-behaved ink. It's holding up to an ink demanding pen as th Neponset. There's a sheen. You can see it as the ink dries. I got lots of ink on my fingers. Oops.

Closing Comments
I must say that this ink is very difficult to photograph, the shading and sheening don't show too well. (Or rather, I did a poor photography job). As well, after I used this ink a few times, I realized that I didn't have a good distribution of the sparkles. In the Throwback Thursday that I have planned for next week, I have better luck with a different nib and new ink sample vial.